s Wireless Modem
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
Remote-BreezeLINK-Unsync Indicates a temporary incidence of a very noisy radio
channel. Repeated occurrences indicate either a very noisy radio channel or a hardware
problem (e.g. clocks with excessive jitter) or a problem related to configuration of clocks.
Too many BPV/CV Too many Bipolar code violations, indicates selection of Bipolar AMI
line code in the modem when the end equipment uses HDB3 line code.
When an alarm is detected a note appears at the bottom of the display: (Note:An alarm
has been activated), and the message ALARM EXISTS is displayed on the menu
header (see Figure 3-1). In addition, the TEST LED blinks.
T1 Parameters Menu
Table 3-3. T1 Parameters Menu Items and Actions
Pulse Shape
The current selection is displayed (the “NOT DEFINED” message is displayed if LIU used is
not T1). The selection should be made according to the length of the line connecting the
terminal equipment to the 2.048Mbps Wireless Modem, and according to the type of
application (CSU or DSU network interface). The selection affects the pulse mask used in the
interface according to the requirement specified in the applicable standard (DSX-1 for DSU
network interface, ANSI T1.403 for CSU network interface). See Appendix B for more
details about CSU and DSU network interfaces.
T1 Alarm Buffer
The possible alarms are:
• LOS (all zeros signal): Loss Of Signal – No signal is received from the data equipment.
• AIS: Alarm Indication Signal – Signal is not received by the data equipment.