
Originate Mode Enabled = Switch #5 DOWN
Answer Mode Enabled = Switch #5 UP
Factory Default Setting = UP)
Switch #6
Maximum Throughput Setting
(Asynchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)
Some applications require you to dial into services with maximum
throughput on, and other applications where maximum throughput
must be off (i.e., service not supporting error correction, or the V.42
handshake interferes with logon sequence). DIP-Switch #6 is used for
switching between these two modes. This DIP-Switch controls three
important parameters (error correction, speed conversion and serial
port speed), which in effect enables or disables maximum throughput.
Maximum Throughput Enabled = Switch #6 UP
Maximum Throughput Disabled = Switch #6 DOWN
Factory Default Setting = UP
Switch #6
Slave Clocking
(Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)
In Synchronous mode, DIP-Switch #6 controls the option of having
timing controlled by the receive clock. The originate modem, in effect,
adjusts to the answer (remote) modem. Place DIP-Switch #6 in the
DOWN position to enable Slave Clocking. Place DIP-Switch #6 in the
UP position to disable Slave Clocking.
Slave Clocking Enabled = Switch #6 DOWN
Slave Clocking Disabled = Switch #6 UP
Factory Default Setting = UP
Switch #7
Request To Send Forced - "RTS"
(Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode/Leased Line/Dial-Up)
If your computer or terminal uses RTS-CTS protocol (typically used in
some synchronous applications, but also if using hardware pacing for
V.42 error correction or speed conversion), you may want to set RTS to
function independently of CTS (DIP-Switch #7 UP). For most