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Chapter 9: Upgrading the Serial Server Firmware
9. Upgrading the Serial Server Firmware
New Serial Server firmware updates may become available through the Black Box Web site (www.blackbox.com) for installation
into the server. The firmware can be uploaded using either a virtual COM port connection or hardware COM port connection.
9.1 Downloading the Firmware
Make a folder to receive the firmware file. Download the compressed software file from www.blackbox.com. Unzip or expand
the file into the (.hex) format so it will be ready to upload to the Serial Server.
9.2 Upgrading Via Serial Server Manager
The Serial Server Manager software can upload new firmware to the server using a direct PC connection via the 1-Port Industrial
Serial Server serial port, 2- or 4-Port Industrial Serial Server Port 1, or using a virtual COM port.
NOTE: If connecting directly to a computer serial port, use a null-modem cable between the computer RS-232 port and Port 1 of
any of the Industrial Serial Server serial ports.
9.2.1 Preparing the Software
Step 1: In the Serial Server Manager Serial Server List window, double click the server to be upgraded. The Server Properties
window will appear.
Step 2: If using a direct connection to upload the firmware to the Serial Server, set the baud rate to 115200 for the fastest
possible upload.
Step 3: Set the Serial Port field to upgrade and click the “Update” button. (Make sure that the Run/Console switch is in the Run
Step 4: Click “Yes” on the vcomui dialog to restart the Serial Server.
9.2.2 Upgrading the Firmware
Step 5: Double-click the Firmware Upgrade icon (or click the Server menu and Firmware Upgrade).
Step 6: In the Upgrade window, click “Browse.” The Open dialog box will appear. Locate the folder on your PC that contains the
firmware .hex file. Select the file and click “Open.” The Open dialog box will disappear.
Step 7: In the Upgrade window, select the serial port to be used in transferring the firmware.
If connected directly from the PC to a Serial Server port, it will typically be COM1 or COM2.
If using a virtual COM port to upgrade via the network, identify the virtual COM number and address mapped to Port 1 on the
Serial Server.
Step 8: Click “Upgrade.”
Step 9: In the Port Settings window, set the bits per second, data bits, parity, and stop bits to the same values as set up in the
Server Properties window. Click “OK.”