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Appendix: Glossary
USB HID — USB HID devices (human interface devices) allow for data input. You
don’t need a special driver during installation; “New USB-HID device found” is
reported. Typical HID devices include keyboards, mice, graphics tablets, and
touchscreens. Storage, video, and audio devices are not HID.
VGA — Video Graphics Array (VGA) is a computer graphics standard with a
typical resolution of 640 x 480 pixels and up to 262,144 colors. Its is preceded by
the graphics standards MDA, CGA and EGA.
A.1 Matrix-Specific Glossary
Auto Disconnect — Matrix function that allows an automatic disconnect
between a console and a CPU, if the OSD is opened via this console.
Auto Logout — Matrix function that describes the duration of inactivity after the
user has been logged out from the OSD at this console.
CON Device — Logical term that summarizes several physical extenders to switch
more complex console systems via matrix.
CON Timeout — Matrix function that allows an automatic disconnect of the
console from the connected CPU after a predefined time.
Console ACL — Console ACL (Access Control List) is a list that shows the respec-
tive switching rights for the various consoles.
CPU Auto Connect — Matrix function that allows an automatic connection
establishment between the own console and a random available CPU.
CPU Device — Logical term that summarizes several physical extenders to switch
more complex CPU systems via matrix.
CPU Timeout — Matrix function that allows the user to disconnect after a
predefined period of time of inactivity from the respective CPU.
EXT Unit — Part or extender board of a CON or CPU unit with a connection to
the matrix. A CON or CPU unit can consist of several EXT devices.
Force Connect — Matrix function that allows a user to switch with his own
console to a CPU that is already used. This enables the user to take keyboard and
mouse control. The connected console loses K/M control but keeps video.
Force Disconnect — Matrix function that allows to switch with the console to a
CPU that is already used. This enables the user to take KVM control. The
connected console loses complete KVM control.
Java Tool — Java based control and configuration tool for the ServSwitch DKM
FX matrix.