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Chapter 4: Configuration
For an efficient macro configuration, the following context functions are available:
Via right-click on the tab Macros, macros can be assigned to other users by using
the “Assign Macros to ...” function and can be copied from other users by using
the “Copy Macros from ....” function.
Via right click on the macro list, you can copy macros of the selected key into the
cache by using the “Copy Key Macros” function. You can paste the macros from
the cache into a key by using the “Paste Key Macros” function and you can reset
all macros of the selected key by using the function “Key Macros” function.
4.6 Extender Settings
All extender units are managed in this menu. This also contains the creation of
new extender units and the deletion of existing extender units.
The extender unit describes the connection of a physical extender to the matrix.
Every extender board with a direct cable connection to the matrix is recognized
as an extender unit. Dual-head KVM extenders will be recognized as two
independent extender units.
NOTE: KVM extenders automatically create extender units inside the matrix.
To access the menu, use OSD or Java:
Figure 4-42. OSD and Java icons.
Table 4-28. OSD settings.
Field Selection Description
ID Text
Numerical value of the extender ID (KVM extenders: ID is
provided by extender unit [serial no.] and cannot be changed)
Name Text Name of the extender unit
Activated Create an extender unit with a fixed port assignment (default)
Deactivated Function not active (default)
1–288 (depending
on the matrix)
Port number of the extender unit