1. Overview
1.1 Introduction
TheServSwitch™ Brand CAT5 KVM Extender Local Hub products described in this manual
enable high-resolution video, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, stereo audio, and serial port signals
to be communicated up to 300m over Category 5/5e (CATx) cable.
A basic KVM extension system comprises a Local Unit (transmitter) and a Remote Unit
(receiver). The Local Unit connects directly to the computer (or a KVM switch system) using
the supplied cable(s). The user console (keyboard, mouse and monitor) attaches to the
Remote Unit. The Remote and Local Units communicate video and data information along
the connecting CATx cable (see Figure 1). A Local Hub combines 6 or 12 Local Units in a
rackmount chassis.
Within the product range, models are available with combinations of the following:
• Audio transmission: bi-directional stereo audio (16-bit digitized).
• Serial transmission: transparent serial COM port (to 19.2Kbps).
• Dual access: allowing a second user console at the Local Unit.
1.2 Glossary
The following terms are used in this guide:
CATx Any Category 5, 5e, 6 or higher cable.
PSU Power Supply Unit.
KVM Keyboard, Video and Mouse.
Console A keyboard, monitor, and mouse, plus optional serial devices.
Dual Access A system allowing connection of local and remote user consoles.
Single Head An extender system that supports one monitor.
Dual Head An extender system that supports two monitors.
Quad Head An extender system that supports up to four monitors.