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Black Box G.SHDSL.bis EFM CPE
• DSL Sync State: Out of Sync, Acquiring Sync, In Sync, or Losing Sync.
Link State vs. DSL Sync State—The DSL link state describes whether
the DSL is training (in progress), linked (success), deactivated (we don’t have an
option to deactivate the modem, so the user should not see this), or idle.
The DSL sync state describes whether no sync words have been found (out of sync),
there are no sync word errors (in sync), or whether we are transitioning from out of
sync to in sync (acquiring sync) or vice versa (losing sync). Typically, when the link is
training, the sync state goes from out of sync to acquiring sync to in sync.
• DSL Actual Rate: The actual rate at which the DSL link is running (minus DSL
• DSL Line Condition: Good or Poor.
• No
ise Margin Ratio: the maximum tolerable increase in external noise power
that still allows for BER of less than 1x 10–
Error Counters: The following error counters are available:
-LOSW (Loss of Sync Word)
2.6.1 Help Commands
The following commands are provided to help the user find the correct command:
• he
lp: Lists all the commands that the console recognizes.
• s
ystem help: Lists all the commands that start with system that the console rec-
• s
ystem set help: Lists all the commands that start with system set that the con-
sole recognizes.
• s
ystem show help: Lists all the commands that start with system show that the
console recognizes.
• dsl help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl that the console recognizes.
• ds
l set help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl set that the console rec-
• d
sl show help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl show that the console