
Table 4-1 Troubleshooting (Cont’d)
Fault Probable Cause Corrective Action
Poor ultimate Contaminated pump fluid Examine and clean pump;
pressure replace fluid.
Low heat input Check voltage. Check for
continuity, burned-out element,
poor thermal contact.
Inadequate cooling water flow Check water pressure. Check
tubing for obstructions and
Excessive or too cold cooling water Check temperature. Adjust flow.
High forepressure Check for leak in foreline, poor
mechanical pump performance,
breakdown of mechanical
pump fluid.
Water in quick-cool coil Check and remove cause.
Low heat input Check heaters.
Low fluid level Add fluid.
Malfunctioning pump assembly. Check and repair or
Improperly located jets. Damaged replace.
jet system.
Inlet pressure surges Incorrect heater input Check and correct.
Fluid outgassing Condition fluid by operating the
pump for a few hours.
Leak in system ahead of pump inlet Check and correct.
High chamber Forepressure too high Check for leak in foreline, poor
contamination mechanical pump performance,
breakdown of pump fluid, and
incorrect valve operation.
Prolonged operation at high Review procedures.
throughput at pressure above10
Improper system operation and Review procedures.
air release procedures
Pump will not start Safety circuits and/or protective Check utilities, flow devices
prevent contactor from switches, interlocks. Check
staying closed thermostat operation.