
User’s Manual
59 / EN
Washing performance is poor: Stains persist or the laundry is not whitened. (**)
•Insufficientamountofdetergentisused.>>>Use recommended amount of detergent appropriate for the
•Excessivelaundrywasloadedin.>>>Do not load the machine in excess. Load with amounts recommended
in the "Programme and consumption table".
•Wrongprogrammeandtemperaturewereselected.>>>Select the proper programme and temperature
for the laundry to be washed.
•Wrongtypeofdetergentisused.>>>Use original detergent appropriate for the machine.
•Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>Put the detergent in the correct compartment. Do not mix
the bleaching agent and the detergent with each other.
Washing performance is poor: Oily stains appeared on the laundry. (**)
•Regulardrumcleaningisnotapplied.>>>Clean the drum regularly. For this, please see 6.2.
Washing performance is poor: Clothes smell unpleasantly. (**)
•Odoursandbacterialayersareformed onthedrum asaresultof continuouswashingatlower
temperaturesand/orinshortprogrammes.>>>Leave the detergent drawer as well as the loading door
of the machine ajar after each washing. Thus, a humid environment favorable for bacteria cannot occur in the
Colour of the clothes faded. (**)
•Excessivelaundrywasloadedin.>>>Do not load the machine in excess.
•Detergentinuseisdamp.>>>Keep detergents closed in an environment free of humidity and do not expose
them to excessive temperatures.
•Ahighertemperatureisselected.>>>Select the proper programme and temperature according to the type
and soiling degree of the laundry.
It does not rinse well.
•Theamount,brand andstorageconditions ofthe detergentusedare inappropriate.>>> Use a
detergent appropriate for the washing machine and your laundry. Keep detergents closed in an environment free of
humidity and do not expose them to excessive temperatures.
•Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>If detergent is put in the prewash compartment although
prewash cycle is not selected, machine can take this detergent during rinsing or softener step. Put the detergent in
the correct compartment.
•Pumpfilterisclogged.>>>Check the filter.
•Drainhoseisfolded.>>>Check the drain hose.
Laundry became stiff after washing. (**)
•Insufficientamountofdetergentisused.>>>Using insufficient amount of detergent for the water hardness
can cause the laundry to become stiff in time. Use appropriate amount of detergent according to the water hardness.
•Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>If detergent is put in the prewash compartment although
prewash cycle is not selected, machine can take this detergent during rinsing or softener step. Put the detergent in
the correct compartment.
•Detergentmightbemixedwiththesoftener.>>>Do not mix the softener with detergent. Wash and clean
the dispenser with hot water.