Operating the product
22 /35 EN
Refrgerator / User Manual
5.5. Twist Ice – matic
(Ths feature s optonal)
•Remove the water tank by rotatng
t to the left.
•Open the water tank cover by
turnng t and add water to the
water tank up to the lower part of
the water tank cover.
•Place the water tank on ts place as
shown n the fgure after addng
water and have t seated by rotatng
t on the drecton of the arrow.
Water shall be poured down to the
•When ce has formed, rotate
cebank knob n the drecton of
the arrow to allow that the ce s
dropped down to the ce drawer.
•Take the ce cubes by pullng ce
drawer out.
•Pull the front face towards you n
order to wash the cebank, and put
t on the sldes on the nteror area
and push t to ts place n order to
replace t.
•Pull the twst cematc unt towards
you n order to remove the unt, and
put t on the sldes on the celng
and push t to ts place n order to
replace t.
5.6. Ice container
•Remove the ce contaner from the
freezer compartment.
•Fll the ce contaner wth water.
•Place the ce contaner n the
freezer compartment. About two
hours later, the ce s ready.
•Remove the ce contaner from the
freezer compartment and bend t
over the servce plate. Ice cubes wll
easly fall down to the servce plate.