6 / 20 EN
Hood / User Manual
1 Recommendatons and Suggestons
The Instructions for Use
apply to several ver-
sions of this appliance.
Accordingly, you may find
descriptions of individual
features that do not apply
to your specific appliance.
1.1 Installaton
• The manufacturer wll not be held
lable for any damages resultng
from ncorrect or mproper
• The mnmum safety dstance
between the cooker top and
the extractor hood s 650 mm
(some models can be nstalled
at a lower heght, please refer
to the paragraphs on workng
dmensons and nstallaton).
• Check that the mans voltage
corresponds to that ndcated on
the ratng plate fxed to the nsde
of the hood.
• For Class I applances, check
that the domestc power supply
guarantees adequate earthng.
• Connect the extractor to the
exhaust flue through a ppe of
mnmum dameter 120 mm. The
route of the flue must be as short
as possble.
• Do not connect the extractor
hood to exhaust ducts carryng
combuston fumes (bolers,
freplaces, etc.).
• If the extractor s used n
conjuncton wth non-electrcal
applances (e.g. gas burnng
applances), a suffcent degree
of aeraton must be guaranteed
n the room n order to prevent
the backflow of exhaust gas. The
ktchen must have an openng
communcatng drectly wth the
open ar n order to guarantee
the entry of clean ar. When the
cooker hood s used n conjuncton
wth applances suppled wth
energy other than electrc, the
negatve pressure n the room
must not exceed 0,04 mbar to
prevent fumes beng drawn back
nto the room by the cooker hood.
• In the event of damage to the
power cable, t must be replaced
by the manufacturer or by the
techncal servce department, n
order to prevent any rsks.