24 / 48 EN
Steam Iron Station / User Manual
WARNING: Do not use
any descaling products!
These could damage
the appliance.
descaling or emptying
the unit, the iron must
cool down for more
than 2 hours in order to
avoid the risk of burns.
1. Place the cooled down steam iron
on an even surface.
2. Remove water tank from the steam
station station by grabbing the
handle “8” of the water tank and
pull the water tank out of the steam
ironing station by pushing the trig-
ger underneath the handle “8”.
3. Turn the steam ironing station on its
side. Pull the rubber lid “24” on the
water drainage screw “23”.
4. Remove the key “25” located un-
derneath the steam ironing station
and open the water drainage screw
with it.
5. Fill the steam station with ca. 0.5 L
clean water through opened water
drainage screw.
6. Screw in the water drainage again.
7. Hold and shake the steam station at
least 1 min.
8. Screw out water drainage and
shake the steam station while water
drains out into the sink.
9. Let the water drain out into a sink
10. Screw in the water drainage screw
again and tighten it.
11. Push the rubber lid onto the water
drainage screw.
12. Assemble the water tank. If the
warning light remains lit, repeat
the above procedure.
5 Maintenance and cleaning