24 ______________________________________________ Barco - RHDM-1701 - Maintenance Manual
6.7 Light diagnostics
In case the display unit is switched on, but nothing is displayed on the screen,
even after exhausting the “Nothing observed on the screen” fault finding tree in
the User manual:
• Switch on the display unit. Check if the backlight switches on. (Even black
should become brighter)
If the backlight does not switch on:
• Prepare the display unit for diagnostics:
3 Remove the power connection to the display unit
3 Remove back cover as described in “Removal and reinstallation back
3 Do not disconnect any cables inside the display unit
3 Reapply or switch on the power connection to the display unit
• Check if LEDs D16 and D17 on the PIB are on. If not, replace PIB as
described in “Removal and reinstallation of the Power Interface Board (PIB)”
• Check if the backlight is connected to the power (Connector J8 on PIB)
The fault is likely to originate in the IRIS board or the backlight board when:
• the backlight has power but is never switched on
• the backlight switches on but no menu or other picture can be made visible
on the screen
The IRIS board can only be replaced by Barco qualified personnel. Send the
display unit back to Barco.
6.8 Image diagnostics
In case the display unit shows the no valid sync message and the “Verify input
signal” fault finding tree from the User manual does not resolve the problem:
• Source validation:
3 Check the video source on another input board or on another display
3 Check if a different video source applied to the same input of this display
unit shows an image on the screen
3 Check whether your source is a validated input timing for your firmware
version. (User manual)
• If the source is valid, try to resolve the problem by installing a new/different
input board as described in “ Removal and reinstallation of HDSDI board”
• If installing a new/different input board is unsuccessful, the IRIS board is the
most likely to cause the problem. The IRIS board can only be replaced by
Barco qualified personnel. Send the display unit back to Barco.
6.9 Communication diagnostics
In case there is no communication with the display unit, and the problem is not
related to the network or the IP address, then the problem can be related to the
communication board. Replace the communication board as described in
“Removal and reinstallation of the communication board”.