
6. Web Interface
6.6 Personalized wallpapers
About a personalized wal lpaper
Via the web interface it is possible to upload personalized backgrounds or wallpapers. The free space to upload w allpapers is
indicatedintheAvailable storage pane.
The upload le should be a JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF or TIFF format with a maximum size of 2MB.
How to upload
1. Login to the ClickShare web interface.
2. Click the Setup tab (1) and then the Wallpaper tab (2).
Image 6-8
Add wallpaper
The Wallpaper tab page is displayed.
3. In the Background wallp
apers pane, click on the +”sign(3).
A browser window opens.
4. Select the desired le (4) and click Open (5).
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