MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide 29
3. Operation
Establishing Groups of Inputs and Outputs
The MatrixPRO routers can be set up to "lock-out" input sources that are incompatible with
certain output display devices.
S Example: Input channels 1, 2 and 3 are SD-SDI sources and output
channels 1, 2 and 3 are SD-SDI display devices. Input channels 4, 5 and 6
are HD-SDI sources and outputs 4, 5 and 6 are HD-SDI display devices.
Establishing groups like these prevents an input from Group 2 from being accidentally
switched to a Group 1 output.
There are two methods available for grouping inputs and outputs:
• The manual method, using the MatrixPRO front panel. Refer to the “Manual
Grouping” section for instructions.
• The Graphical User Interface (GUI) method. In Chapter 4, refer to the “Grouping
Tab” section for details.
Use the following steps to create an input/output group manually:
S Prerequisites: Assume that input channel 1 is routed to output channel 1.
No other inputs are assigned to any output.
1. To add output channel 2 to output channel 1 (thus establishing an output group),
press and hold output channel 1 key, then press the output channel 2 key. Both
output keys light.
2. To add output channel 3 to the output channel group, press and hold output
channel 1 key and press the output channel 3 key. All three output keys light.
3. To add input channel 1 to the group, press and hold output channel 1 key and
press the input channel 1 key. All three output keys and the new input key light.
4. To add input channel 2 to the group, press and hold output channel 1 key and
press the input channel 2 key. All three output keys and the two new input keys
5. To add input channel 3 to the group, press and hold output channel 1 key and
press the input channel 3 key. All three output keys and the three new input keys
When an input/output group has been established, it has the following characteristics:
• First, any single input in the group can be routed to the same three outputs.
• Second, when any key in the output group is pressed and held, all members of the
input/output group will light up.
• Third, when that key is released, any input that is routed to the outputs will remain
Grouping inputs and outputs does not establish a route. The
input source for a particular output still must be established
using the Video Switching procedure. In addition, there can
be only one input routed to any output or group of outputs.