
MatrixPRO-II DVI 16x16 Router
User’s Guide Rev. 04
3 Control Setup
The MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 router can be controlled in various ways such as command
input (RS-232, TCP/IP), Web GUI control panel (TCP/IP), Windows application (RS-232,
UDP) as well as key button on the front panel. To use a PC for control, the PC must be
configured properly.
3.1 TCP/IP
TCP/IP, the abbreviation of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet
Protocol (IP) is commonly used protocol to control remote computers.
To control MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 over TCP/IP, set network properties of PC as
below (Explained here is based on Win 7 OS).
Open Control Panel.
Select Network Status in Network and Internet menu.
Select Adapter setting.
Select Local Area Connection and right click to open property.
Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
Enter IP, Subnet mask, Gateway and DNS server address, compatible with the
current network setting of MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16
Click OK to terminate IP setup session.
3.1.1 Launching Telnet
Telnet is a terminal program embedded in Window OS system to access remote
computers using TCP/IP protocol. With the network setting of the PC as above,
launch Telnet as below.
Make sure that the PC and the router are connected by Ethernet.
Click Start menu and select Run.
Type CMD to open command window.
Type ‘telnet’ (Type current IP address of the router)
Press ENTER then, “==Welcome to MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 ==” and “==
TELNET control ==” messages will be shown.
You can now type a command to control the router
The router’s default IP address is
Set the PC’s IP address in the same range as the routers address:
192.168.000.nnn; where ‘nnn’ is not conflicting with other devices on the network