30/05/02 Document Systems Support V1.0
HTML: (Hypertext Mark-up Language)
This is the common language for encoding documents for inclusion on the
WWW (World Wide Web). HTML notation is interpreted by browser
software in order to display the desired document.
HTTP: (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
A form of communication language used by the sites on the WWW (World
Wide Web).
This is normally the centre of a network or cabling system using
This is a type of network that uses different topologies and access
HYPERTEXT: (AKA Hypermedia)
This is a way of delivering documents so that non-sequential links can be
set up between them.
IAP: (Internet Access Provider)
IP: (Internet Protocol)
The part of the TCP/IP that covers addressing information to allow the
transportation of data across the Internet.
ISDN: (Integrated Services Digital Network)
This is a digital service, which will travel over various mediums. It allows
simultaneous transmission of voice, data and video over a common
network gateway or interface.
LAN: (Local Area Network)
A Computer network normally located within one building or site. The
computers on the network are known as Clients or Workstations. Some
applications may have a central unit used to control the workstations, this
is often referred to as the Server. There are many types of network,
descriptions of these can be found in this glossary.