MatrixPRO-II DVI 16x16 Router
User’s Guide Rev. 01
▪ Sets the RS-232 baud rate. MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 supports 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200bps.
▪ Requests the current RS-232 baud rate.
Command Description and reply
Sets RS-232 baud rate.
Reply: RS232=115200BPS!
Requests current baud rate.
Reply: RS232=115200BPS!
Table 7-7: Baud rate setting command examples
7.2.8 Control lock command
▪ Locks and unlocks the controls such as Web, RS-232, TCP/IP and UDP.
▪ Requests open status of controls.
ASCII Description
WL Web control lock
WUL Web control unlock
DL Data control (UDP, TCP/IP, RS-232) lock
DUL Data control (UDP, TCP/IP, RS-232) unlock
KL Key control lock
KUL Key control unlock
Table 7-9: Locking type and its ASCII data
Command Description and reply
Locks data control.
Reply: LOCK=DL!
Request current status of control method.
Table 7-10 : Control lock command examples