610-0184-095 June 14, 2001
TFTP Download Status Delay
It takes a few seconds before the Status button on the TFTP
Download screen returns accurate information.
VLAN Issues
■ Automatic VLAN creation on P880 50-series supervisor
module (M5500R-SUPA) does not work if the port default
VLAN is set to “discard”. The switch does not learn VLANs
with this setting.
■ Automatic VLAN creation on an 80-series supervisor module
(M8000R-SUP) does work if the port default VLAN is set to
■ If you set a port’s VLAN trunking mode to Clear, you must set
the VLAN Binding Type to Static (default).
■ You may receive an error message stating that the VLAN
name is already in use after you add a VLAN and refresh your
Web Agent
Problem: If you click the Back button after you change a variable from the
“Switch Port Config” screen, the variable will change back to the
previous setting and the switch will reset. If you change a number of
variables and click the Back button, the last variable will change
back to the original value and the switch will reset.
Workaround: This only happens on Microsoft Internet Explorer, version
5.00.2919.6307. Use a later version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Documentation Updates and Corrections
The following problems were found in the Cajun P550R/P880/P882
Switch documentation for release v5.0 and will be fixed in release
Cajun P550R/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
The following problem was found in the Cajun P550R/P880/P882
Switch User Guide for release v5.0 and will be fixed in release v6.0.