Chapter 14 Load Balancing in the P333R-LB
Avaya P333R-LB User’s Guide 55
You can configure the following parameters:
— The port to access - if you do not configure a port, the default is in the
following order: the Virtual Service Real port, Virtual port, or port 80.
— HTTP Request type - GET or HEAD (default HEAD).
— HTTP version 1.0 or 1.1 (default 1.0).
— Domain Name (for HTTP 1.1 only).
Note: If you selected HTTP 1.1, you can specify a Domain Name to be used in the
Health Check query. If you don’t specify a Domain Name, the Real Server’s IP
address and the Real port is used.
— URL to access - up to 255 characters (default “/”).
— The expected response.
— Expected response and type: Any Response, Any OK Response (HTTP
status code 2xx), or Exact OK Response (HTTP status code 200) - default.
— Expected String - a string up to 255 characters for comparison with the
— Expected String Offset - An offset from the end of the TCP header (up to
1000 bytes) where the expected string should appear.
P333R-LB searches for the expected strings only in the first HTTP packet
sent by the server as a response to the GET/HEAD request. If the string
search fails, use the show hc last response command to view the
received string and compare it with the expected string.
A successful HTTP Health Check is defined as one with both the expected
response and expected string valid, as well as a successful completion of the
TCP connection.
Note: In the HTTP Expected String Health Check script “\r\n” denotes “enter”.
Refer to page 201 for a sample HTTP Health Check configuration.
• Script Server Checking - Supported over TCP, this method verifies the
functioning of the server by running a script on the server. Script Health Check
enables you to build your own script to run on the Real Server, and return a
predefined response.
You configure a complete and explicit request header as well as the expected
response string with offset. The string’s limiting factors are:
— Maximum length of request header: 255 characters.
— Maximum length of response string: 255 characters.
— Maximum offset from end of TCP header: 1000 bytes.
P333R-LB compares the server’s reply with the expected reply you configured.