
Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-13
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
Protocols 1 and 3, 312
command, 6-12
options, 7-1
moves, adds, and changes, 7-43
server activity trace, 7-50
Call Detail Record, LOG Command, 7-1
Call Processing Trace, LOG Command, 7-1
LOG command, 7-1
AUX activities, 7-20
digital networking, 855
Event activities, 7-20
examples of PR CPT, 7-14
LOG PR CPT command, digital networking, 855
LSP Table, 10-3
MAC log
See also Moves, adds, changes
configuration table entires logged, 7-43
system distribution list changes logged, 7-48
extended mailbox changes logged, 7-48
add in ranges, input aid, 1-6
auto-increment, input aid, 1-6
configuration status, 6-19
LIST command, 6-2, 6-19, 6-20
usage report, 5-33
Mailbox INFORMATION Table, 1-16
Mailboxes, capacity on demand, list feature screen,
application delays, 6-46–6-58
boot ROM diagnostics, 8-1–8-4
call processing trace, 7-5–7-20
CLEAR command, 6-4
command summary, 6-1–6-18
courtesy up/down commands, 6-7–6-9
diagnostics, 6-19–6-45
diagrams, 9-1–9-10
digital networking, 849–864
CMD PING command, 6-28
DCSTAT command, 6-28
FINDMBOX command, 6-26, 850
LANSTAT command, 6-25
LCSTAT command, 852
LIST NET DOMAIN command, 849
LOG command and Call Processing Trace, 855
NAMESEND command, 815
NAMESTAT command, 852
traffic pegs, 858–861
DTIC, 10-9–10-19
hardware errors, 8-5–8-39
hardware replacement, 9-11–9-62
LAN card
CMD PING command, 11-7
LANSTAT command, 11-8
traffic pegs, 11-10–11-11
LIST command, 6-1
password, 6-14
preventive, 9-1–9-10
remote analog networking, 240–243, 320–326,
418–425, 17–22, 621–631
LIST HE command, 241, 321–326,
LIST NET command, 240–241, 320–321,
418, 621–622
LIST NF command, 241–244, 420–425,
traffic pegs, 242–243, 322–323, 425,
21–22, 625–627
shutdown/startup commands, 6-7–6-9
test commands, 6-5–6-6
traffic peg count table, 8-40–8-61
Maintenance and troubleshooting, remote analog
networking, 240–243, 320–326, 418–425,
17–22, 621–631
Marking messages unplayable, 6-59
Maximum message length, Protocol 2, 415
Maximum message length index, INSTALL program,
Maximum number of messages index, INSTALL
program, 1-21
MBLOCK, 6-13
adaptive integration, 141–1431
call processing
direct internal calls, 144, 145
forwarded external calls, 144
forwarded internal calls, 145
message waiting, 146
call records, 143
called party indentification, 141
configuration checklist, 1419
configuration recommendations, 1412
configuration requirements, 149, 1410
hardware requirements, 148
hunt group initiation, 1412
ICU port settings for integration with message
server, 1411
message server configuration, 1414–1420
COS attributes, 1414
System Parameter indexes, 1415–1418
message waiting indication, 141
requirements, hardware and software, 148