Report Creation Wizard
132 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
• Select the Bold check box.
46 Double-click the Page Header section.
47 In the Page Header section, click Time.
48 On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• From the Font Color list, select Purple.
• Select the Underline and Bold check boxes.
49 In the Page Header section, modify the following Object Properties.
50 Double-click the Group Header #1 section.
51 In the Group Header #1 section, click Skillset.
52 On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• From the Font Color list, select Blue.
• Select the Bold check box.
53 Double-click the Group Header #2 section.
54 In the Group Header #2 section, click Timestamp.
55 On the Object Properties page, modify the following properties:
• From the Font Color list, select Blue.
• Select the Bold check box.
56 On the toolbar, click Save.
57 In the Save RCW Report window, select a folder in which to save the report.
58 In the Report Name box, type Agent By Skillset Performance.rpt.
Page Header field Title Width Font Color check
AgentLogin Agent Login 80 Purple Bold
@RCW_AgentName Agent Name 120 Purple Bold
CallsAnswered Calls
80 Purple Bold
@RCW_TalkTime Talk Time 80 Purple Bold