3-10 Issue 4 August 2002
Detailed description
Call Filtering provides the system administrator with control over the type of
incoming calls that EC500 users will receive on their cellular phones. With EC500
Call Filtering, the system administrator can restrict cell phone calls based on the
type of the incoming call received by the XMOBILE station.
Call filtering and bridged XMOBILE stations
XMOBILE stations can connect cell phones in bridged configurations.
Dual-bridged XMOBILE stations are bridged to a principal published phone
number - usually a user’s desk set. Up to two call appearances of the desk set, or
an AWOH station, are bridged to two separate XMOBILE stations. Both XMOBILE
stations map to the same cell phone number. The ACP server calls the cell phone
when the principal station receives an incoming call. Calls are delivered to the cell
phone based on the screening of internal and external calls. Screening applies
after the called party restriction of the station’s assigned COR, the XMOBILE
station’s EC500 state, and the EC500 XMOBILE station mapping are evaluated.
Call filtering and standalone XMOBILE stations
XMOBILE stations can connect cell phones as standalone stations. The ACP
server calls the cell phone when the published number of the standalone
XMOBILE station receives an incoming call. Calls are delivered to the cell phone
based on the screening of internal and external calls. If the call cannot be
delivered to the cell phone and the call is not redirected, then the calling party
hears a busy signal. Screening is applied only after the called party restriction of
the station’s assigned COR, the XMOBILE station’s EC500 state, and the EC500
XMOBILE station mapping mode are evaluated.