Chapter 5 Admin Terminal Commands
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 5-27
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
SHOW (sho)
This command displays information on a variety of components.
This command may be entered with the clear stats switch (-c), or the rotate
through switch (-r), if specified below.
The following are valid show commands.
show board
Displays Board related information.
show camp
Displays Campaign related information. This command can be entered with
the rotate through switch (-r).
Table 5-12: show board.
Command Description
Board Board ID Number.
Slot PCI Slot Number.
Bus Connections Number of MVIP Bus Connections for this board.
Table 5-13: show camp.
Command Description
C# Campaign Number
LG Number of Agents logged into the Campaign.
WT Number of Agents waiting for calls.
CN Number of Agents talking on a call.
TNU Number of Telephone Numbers waiting to be dialed.
HLQ Number of calls waiting for an available agent.
DIALS Current calls being Dialed.
TOTDL Total Dials.
CONNS Total Calls connected to agents.
MACHS Total Answering Machines.
ABANS Total Abandoned Calls.