
Configuration and Operation
3-16 Issue 2 November 1996
D is the dial command.
9 represents the access code required to dial a number outside your
PBX domain.
The remainder of the line is the telephone number.
In the second line of this example, the 8400B Plus Data Module indicates that it
detected a busy signal, and the call is automatically disconnected.
A Sample On-Line Session
This section outlines how to perform a simple on-line session using the AT
commands described in this chapter. For more information about all AT
commands, see Chapter 3 and Appendix A.
Starting the Session
The following is a sample data call to a fictitious bulletin board service. If you
know the number of a real bulletin board service, you might try an actual log
on by using that number and following the suggestions in this session.
AT D 9-555-7575
The D command is used to dial the number of the bulletin board. Since the
connection was made successfully, the 8400B Plus Data Module responded
with a message that says the remote end connected and the data speed to be
used is 1200 bps. If this does not match the speed of your terminal or PC, you
must adjust the speed of the terminal or PC to 1200 bps.
The remote end may do nothing until you press a particular key a few times,
. Typical of many data communications application programs, this
sometimes required input lets the remote end determine whether you have
connected with the correct communications parameters in effect.