Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 13-25
Configuring Access Lists
Identifying the Ports
The chassis is organized by slots, fabric ports, PREs or F-chips, and
physical ports. The number of F-Chips and physical ports varies according
to the module type. This information helps you distribute the workload
evenly among resources and identify possible choke points:
■ Every Fabric port can manage up to 4 F-Chips
■ Slot 1 has 1 Fabric port only
■ Slots 2-7 (P580) and Slots 2-17 (P882) have 2 Fabric ports per slot
■ The Supervisor has 1 F-chip (FORE)
■ The 8-port GigE has 8 F-Chips (4 per Fabric port)
■ The 4-port GigE has 4 F-Chips (2 per Fabric port)
■ The 24-port Ethernet modules (copper or fiber) have 2 F-Chips (1
per Fabric port). Physical Ports 1-12 correspond with F-Chip 1, and
Physical Ports 13-24 correspond with F-Chip 2.
■ The 48-port Ethernet has 4 F-Chips (2 per Fabric port) with the
following Physical Port to F-Chip correspondence: ports 1-12: F-
Chip 1, ports 13-24: F-Chip 2, ports 25-36: F-Chip 3, ports 37-48:
F-Chip 4.
Fabric ports are numbered regardless of whether other slots are empty or
F-Chips numbers are associated with their respective Fabric ports. To locate
the Fabric port and F-Chip for a physical port, you must know the media
type and slot.
For example, Physical port 20 on a 24-port Ethernet module that is in slot 4
of the chassis is identified by Fabric Port 7 and F-Chip 2. This will be
displayed as Chip 7/2. These absolute addresses are not affected by the
placement or type of other modules.
Table 13-3 shows the slots, fabric ports, PREs or F-chips, and physical ports
of the switch.