Administering the 4610SW and 4620 Thin Client Directories
Installing the Thin Client Directory on the Server
8. Uncomment the line “extension=ldap.so” in php.ini
9. To finish, restart the web server by running “/sbin/service httpd restart”.
10. Now test everything out by pointing a browser at the newly created directory structure such as
Installation for any other Unix-based operating
1. Download the winzip file and run: unzip avayadir-1.0.zip
2. Copy the entire tree that was created by running unzip under the documentRoot of the httpd
server. For example, if your directory is /var/www/html, the directory created will be /var/www/
3. Use the command “chown apache:apache /var/www/html/avayadir/avayadirini” to change the
user and group of the directory /var/www/html/avayadir/avayadirini to user:apache,
4. Run “chmod 755 /var/www/avayadir/avayadirini” to change the permission of the /var/www/
html/avayadir/avayadirini to 755.
5. To enable password control for the Directory Administration Application, create a directory
entry in the httpd.conf file as follows:
6. The default user/password combination is ldap/ldap. To change the password, run “htpasswd
/var/www/passwd/avayadirpasswd ldap”.
7. Open the file /etc/php.ini for editing.
8. Set the option “short_open_tag = On” in php.ini.
9. Uncomment the line “extension=ldap.so” in php.ini
10. To finish, restart the web server by running “/sbin/service httpd restart”.
11. Now test everything out by pointing a browser at the newly created directory structure such as
The correct file name is httpd.conf, not http.conf.
<Directory “/var/www/html/avayadir/avayadiradmin”>
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Password Required”
AuthUserFile “/var/www/password/avayadirpasswd”
Require user ldap