Administering Database Creating Database Backup
INDeX Contact Centre Modules Page 81
Installation & Maintenance 38HBK00001SCM - Issue 11 (05/01)
5. Click to select Tape for the Backup Destination and then click Add. Click to
select Tape and then from the pull down arrow select Tape as displayed in the
following screen:
6. Click OK.
7. From the SQL Server Backup screen, select Overwrite – Append to media
option. Click OK.
8. Once the database has been copied, the following screen appears:
9. Click OK.
Database – Differential
You can supplement database backups by using differential database backups that
record only the changes made to the database after the last database backup. For
example, you can create a database backup nightly, and create differential
database backups at shorter intervals, such as every four hours.
Each differential database backup records all modifications made to a database
after the last database backup, not just the changes made after the last differential
database backup. If you create a database backup, followed by multiple differential
database backups, you do not have to restore the database backup followed by all
of the differential database backups; you only have to restore the database backup
and the last differential database backup created.
Perform the procedure detailed in the “Error! Reference source not found.” on
page Error! Bookmark not defined., however select Database – Differential as
the Backup option.