Establishing security
164 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
Figure 52: Firewall tab
At the domain level, firewall policy management allows the network administrator to set rules
across the domain. These rules are referred to as domain level firewall rules. These rules can
be applied to all, or some of the devices in the domain. Rules can also be set for specific
devices in the domain.
At the device level, firewall policy management allows the network administrator to set rules for
a specific device. These rules are referred to as device level firewall rules.
For convenience, you can select from three predefined sets of general firewall rules or
templates. Which set of rules you select depends on the interface zones that are configured and
your general network requirements. The firewall templates can be used in their default state or
as the basis from which a user-defined template can be created.
A brief description of the firewall templates is included in this chapter.
Firewall rules
Firewall rules can be defined at the domain level for all devices, for a specific device, or for a
device group.
The security gateway uses a rules-based method of packet inspection, where the priority of
each rule is determined by its position in the list (highest is top priority). The first match
determines the fate of the packet: permit or deny. If no matching rule is found, the default action
is to permit the packet.
Domain level firewall rules
Domain, or global, level firewall rules apply to all devices, to device groups, and specific devices
within the domain.