Avaya 3100 MC - Client for Nokia configuration
28 NN42030-102 Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator 3.1 Standard 04.05 October 2010
4. From the menu, select Options, Save.
Configuring IM and Presence Settings
On the IM and Presence status pane, select IM and presence alerts.
1. From the Avaya 3100 MC - Client for Nokia main pane, select Settings.
2. From the Settings pane, select IM and Presence Settings.
3. Complete the fields on the pane using the information in the following table as a guide.
Configuring Network Settings
1. From the Avaya 3100 MC - Client for Nokia main pane, select Settings.
2. From the Settings pane, select Network Settings.
3. Complete the fields on the pane using the information in the following table as a guide.
Table 8: IM and Presence Settings pane fields
Field Settings
Auto Presence Automatically update the presence of any
users configured in your business contact list.
Default: Off
Clear Presence
Configure the interval (in minutes) that a
presence query result displays in the buddy
list pane (when auto presence is turned off).
Default: 1 minute
Incoming IM Alert Turn On (default) to display a window for
incoming message or presence alerts.
Turn Off to not display an alert window for
incoming messages or presence alerts.
Incoming IM Tone Turn On (default) to hear a tone for incoming
IM messages or presence alerts.
Turn Off for no tone alerting.
Table 9: Network Settings pane fields
Field Settings
WiFi Roaming
A slidebar allows you to configure the
midpoint WiFi signal strength value used
along with the WiFi signal variance to
determine the high and low thresholds for
data handoff between the WiFi and cellular
network. Values are between -55dBm and