Broadcast Server User Guide
Appendix A Push XML API
Sample ASP Pages
Sample ASP Pages
You can use the script language of your choice to generate XML code. We
have provided sample Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) scripts to help
you get started. Your application will need to generate two ASP files: One
file to create a distribution list and one file to create an alert.
The following topics include sample script for writing, sending, and
receiving a response to a distribution list or scheduled alert:
• distribution_list.asp, page 71
• schedule_message.asp, page 73
The following sample code shows how to write the XML required to create
and add members to a distribution list, send the list to the Application
Gateway, and then send report status to the application from the
Application Gateway. You must send a distribution list to the Application
Gateway before you can begin sending alerts.
The IP addresses and device IDs in distribution_list.asp are examples.
Note Device IDs are listed in the Application Gateway License Monitor.
To open the License Monitor, go to the Administration Tool
Operation > Advanced page.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Put together some XML to post off
xmlString = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>" & vbcrlf
xmlString = xmlString & "<BCSDistributionList id='123' name='Jon Test'>" & vbcrlf
xmlString = xmlString & " <Member device_id='000E8349D6ED'/>" & vbcrlf
xmlString = xmlString & " <Member device_id='0009B7F3FA1D'/>" & vbcrlf
xmlString = xmlString & " <Member device_id='000821381711'/>" & vbcrlf
xmlString = xmlString & "</BCSDistributionList>"