Voicemail Pro Page 394
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office Testing IMS Client Installation
Typically, when starting Outlook if there is a IMS connection error, a message may be received while Outlook is starting,
asking for a user name and password. Please recheck the DCOM settings and verify that the Windows Firewall exceptions
have been setup properly. Next verify that the IMS client has been installed properly.
1.Do not proceed with this process until you have completed the steps in Opening the Firewall .
2.In Outlook, select Tools > Integrated Messaging.
3.If the IMS Client has connected you should only have the option to Disconnect. If this is the case you have
successfully installed the IMS Client on the workstation. If you can not connect:
3.1.Verify that the mailbox is set properly to the user’s Name in Manager.
3.2.Check that the proper Voicemail Pro machine name was given when installing the client software.
3.3.Check the DCOM settings or the Windows Firewall settings not being modified.
4.If the Integrated Messaging tab does not show up in Outlook Tools > Integrated Messaging or under
Tools>Options>Integrated Messaging, verify that the IMSClient has not been disabled in Outlook.
4.1.In Outlook click Help>About Microsoft Office Outlook.
4.2.Click Disabled Items. If the IMS Client is listed, select it and click Enable.