Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption
There are 4 incoming calls in the following order and you have not gone
1. Caller A, Flash (oldest or first coming)
2. Caller B, Routine (next oldest or second coming)
3. Caller C, Routine (third oldest or third coming)
4. Caller D, Priority (newest or just coming)
The calls are presented in the following order.
1. The call from Caller A is displayed first, since it has the highest
precedence of all incoming calls.
2. If Caller A’s call is answered, then the call from Caller D is displayed
using the other free call appearance, since it has the second-highest
precedence of B,C, and D.
3. If Caller D’s call is answered, then the call from Caller B is displayed,
since it is the most recent (if Call A has ended. If not, Caller B hears a
Busy signal, since call appearances are limited to two.)
4. If Caller B’s call is answered, then the call from Caller C is displayed
(if Caller D has hung up).
Only two simultaneous calls can be presented. If your IP Deskphone
reaches the maximum call limit and you receive a higher precedence call,
then one of the existing calls is preempted in order to present the higher-
precedence incoming call. An incoming call with a precedence level less
than or equal to the already-received call precedence levels is not
Note: Emergency 911 calls can be preempted when there are no
available call appearances and there is an incoming above-Routine
precedence call.
IM sessions cannot be preempted because they do not count as a call