40 Avaya 1010/1020 User Guide
Restricting Reserved Ports
By default, Avaya systems communicate through TCP and UDP ports in the range 60000 -
64999 for video, voice, presentations, and camera control. Avaya systems use only a small
number of these ports during a call. The exact number depends on the number of
participants in the call, the protocol used, and the number of ports required for the type
(video or voice) of call.
To minimize the number of UDP and TCP ports that are available for communication, you
can restrict the range by entering values in Administrator Preferences : Network :
Reserved Ports. Avaya recommends that the range you choose, if other than a subset of
the default range, begins with a port number greater than 10000.
Note: Changing the TCP range causes an automatic reboot of the system.
Configuring Quality of Service
You can specify network Quality of Service (QoS) settings in the Administrator
Preferences : Network : Network QoS preferences. Set these preferences according to
the settings used in your network.
Note: Network QoS preferences are supported with IPv4 addressing only.
You can specify DiffServ (differentiated services) or IntServ (integrated services) values for
audio, video, and data packets. You can also set the IntServ Type of Service (ToS)
Configuring Communications Preferences
You can specify options that control which protocols the system uses during calls by
configuring preferences in Administrator Preferences : Communications.
SIP two-way call required ports:
Call Type Number of Required UDP Ports
Video 6 UDP ports
Voice 2 UDP ports