Connecting Storage
Topics in this chapter:
Connecting Media Storage on page 31
Connecting the Fibre Channel Adapter on page 31
Connecting Storage Enclosures on page 32
Connecting Archiving Storage on page 39
Connecting Media Storage
The workstation can be connected to two types of media storage.
■ Stone Direct XR-series disk arrays Autodesk's high-performance direct-attached storage (DAS) solution
designed to address the different real-time playback requirements of various workflows. Direct attached
storage devices provide storage to individual workstations, and can be made available to other Autodesk
Visual Effects and Finishing workstations via the Autodesk Wire network.
NOTE A Lustre workstation equipped with Incinerator does not use DAS storage. Incinerator storage is attached
to the Lustre Media Server, accessed by way of the InfiniBand network.
■ A SAN A storage infrastructure that allows multiple workstations to share simultaneous access to a
central storage enclosure.
Connecting the Fibre Channel Adapter
On HP Z800 workstations or Lustre Media Servers, connections to media storage are made using the ATTO
Celerity FC84-EN fibre channel adapter, located in slot five (top to bottom).
NOTE If you need more storage connections, you can also have your HP Z800 workstation configured with a
second ATTO fibre channel adapter in slot 1, instead of the GigE adapter.