6 Be sure the vehicle is outside
and the antenna has a clear view
of the sky. Verify that you are
receiving the XM signal. There
should at least be one bar on
the upper right corner of the
main display screen that denotes
antenna signal strength. You can
also press menu and scroll down
to highlight Signal Indicator and
press the Select button. The Satellite and Terrestrial bars show the
strength of the signal being received. If the signal reception is good,
press menu twice to return to the main display screen.
7 Ensure that the FM Transmitter is turned Off. Xpress
is shipped with
FM Transmitter turned Off as the default. However, you can refer to
“Turn FM Transmitter On/Off” on page 92, if you want to verify that the
FM Transmitter is set to Off.
8 Ensure that Xpress
is tuned to channel 1. Upon power up, Xpress
should tune to channel 1 by default, when it’s not yet activated. If it’s
not on channel 1, refer to “Listening to Satellite Radio” on page 61 to
learn about how to tune a channel.
9 Turn on your vehicle’s stereo system. Set it to play input from the
auxiliary input source.
10 You should hear XM channel 1 through your vehicle’s stereo system. You
are now ready to activate your Xpress
Vehicle Installation