
Find More Information
On the Web
Interactive web tutorials, tips & tricks and FAQs are available at • att.com/WirelessTutorials.
Select Manufacturer: Samsung and Model: SGH-i907 from the drop down menus.
Detailed support information including device specifications, user manual, troubleshooting, •
user forums and knowledgebase articles are available at att.com/DeviceSupport.
For information about your wireless account, service plan or network, visit • att.com/Wireless.
Phone Support Help
Call AT&T Customer Care at 1-800-331-0500 or dial 611 from any AT&T mobile phone for
assistance with your service or device.
On your computer
To view the user manual for your device, insert the Getting Started CD into your computer and
open the guide file.
Find Accessories
Accessories for your smartphone are available at att.com/WirelessAccessories or visit
your local AT&T store.