AT&T 8525
IT Managed
IT managed email means your company has installed Good Mobile Messaging or Microsoft
Direct Push software to enable wireless synchronization of corporate email. You need to have an
account established on that server by an IT administrator before you get set up.
Good™ Mobile Messaging provides real-time wireless push synchronization of email, calendar,
contacts, to-do, and notes for Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes. You must have an account on
your company’s Good Mobile Messaging server. Contact your IT department if you do not have
an account. A “PDA Connect for Good” data plan must also be activated on your AT&T Wireless
account before using Good Mobile Messaging. Set-up instructions for Good will be sent to you via
email upon your account activation.
Microsoft Direct Push provides wireless access to your corporate Microsoft® email, contacts,
calendar and tasks. Your Exchange Admin needs to enable Mobile Services on the Exchange Server.
Activate a “PDA Connect for Microsoft Direct Push“data plan on your AT&T Wireless account before
using Direct Push.