Chapter 3
The VS0102 / VS0104 / VS0108 2/4/8-Port VGA Splitter with Audio offers
simple plug and play operation. To use the splitter, simply connect your
hardware as instructed in Chapter 2, power on all devices in your setup, and the
splitter expands your source signal across two (VS0102), four (VS0104), or
eight (VS0108) video displays.
The remainder of this chapter describes the RS-232 serial interface, and how to
power off/restart your device.
RS-232 Serial Interface
The VS0102 / VS0104 / VS0108’s built-in bi-directional RS-232 serial
interface allows system control through a high-end controller, PC, and/or home
automation / home theater software package.
Advanced settings are controlled through the RS-232 serial interface. This
section describes the RS-232 serial port device configuration and the port
commands for Switch Port; EDID Mode Selection, Mute, Firmware Update,
Read, and Reset.
Configuring the Serial Port
The controller’s serial port should be configured as follows:
Baud Rate 19200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None