Panel Array Mode
Clicking on the Control Panel’s Panel icon invokes Panel Array Mode. Under
this mode, the OSD divides your screen into a 2 x4 grid of 8 panels (KN2018),
or a 4 x 4 grid of 16 panels (KN2116):
M Each panel represents one of the KN2018 / KN2116’s ports. Starting with
Port 1 at the upper left; going from left to right; top to bottom; Port 8
(KN2018), or Port 16 (KN2116), is at the lower right.
M When the Array is first invoked, it scans through each of the ports that
were selected for Auto Scanning under the Configuration page’s Scan
Select function (see p. 60), and displays information about the port (port
name, resolution, on line status, port access status), at the bottom of the
M The number of panels in the array (16, 9, 4, or 1) can be selected by
clicking Show More Ports, and Show Fewer Ports on the panel array
M If the computer connected to a port is on line, its screen displays in its
panel, otherwise the panel is blank.
Chapter 5. The Windows Client