Chapter 5. The User Interface
Page Components
The web page screen components are described in the table, below:
No. Item Description
1 Tab Bar The tab bar contains the KN1108v / KN1116v main
operation categories. The items that appear in the
tab bar are determined by the user’s type, and the
authorization options that were selected when the
user’s account was created.
2 Menu Bar The menu bar contains operational sub-categories
that pertain to the item selected in the tab bar. The
items that appear in the menu bar are determined by
the user’s type, and the authorization options that
were selected when the user’s account was created.
3 Sidebar The Sidebar provides a tree view listing of ports that
relate to the various tab bar and menu bar selections.
Clicking a node in the Sidebar brings up a page with
the details that are relevant to it.
There is a Filter button at the bottom of the Sidebar
that lets you expand or narrow the scope of the ports
that appear in the tree. The Filter function is
discussed in detail on page 91
4 About About provides information regarding the switch’s
current firmware version.
5 Logout Click this button to log out of your KN1108v /
KN1116v session.
6 Welcome Message If this function is enabled (see Welcome Message*,
page 112), a welcome message displays here.
7 Interactive Display Panel This is your main work area. The screens that appear
reflect your menu choices and Sidebar node