Chapter 1. Introduction
The following hardware components are required for each computer:
A VGA, SVGA, or MultiSync video graphics card with an HDB-15 port;
or, for legacy Sun systems, a Sun 13W3 video port
PS/2 mouse and keyboard ports (6-pin Mini-DIN), or at least one USB
port; or, for legacy Sun systems, a Sun style keyboard port (8-pin Mini-
KVM adapter cables (CPU modules) connect multiplatform computers (PS/2,
USB, Sun, Mac, and serial) and certain cascaded KVM switches to the
KM0832. The KVM adapter cables currently available are listed in the table
below. Contact your dealer for details.
One or more of the following cables are required for use with the KM0832:
Function Model Number
KVM adapter
(CPU modules)
For PS/2 computers KA8120
For PS/2 computers KA9120
For Sun legacy computers KA9130
For Sun USB computers KA9131
For serial devices KA9140
For USB computers KA9170
Function Type
Console module or KVM adapter cable to KM0832
(see p. 138)
Cat 5 cable
Daisy chain cables LIN5-50H1-H12 (15 cm)
2L-1700KM (60 cm)
2L-1701KM (1.2 m)
2L-1704KM (4 m)