KH2508 / KH2516 User Manual
Operation Mode Attributes
The Setting Adapter Cable Attributes dialog box has the following options for
setting a port’s operation mode:
The functions performed by the remaining elements at the bottom of the screen
are described in the table, below:
Attribute Action
Occupy The first user to occupy the port has control over it. A second user
can view its video output, however. The Timeout function,
discussed above, applies to ports that have this setting.
Exclusive The first user to occupy the port has exclusive control over it. No
other user can view or access it.
Share Allows 2 users connected to the first-level switch’s consoles to
simultaneously share keyboard and mouse control over a first-level
port. User input is placed in a queue and executed sequentially.
This is the default operation mode for all first-level ports.
Note: KVM ports on cascaded switches cannot be shared.
Cascade The first user to occupy the port has control over it and a second
user can view its video output. When the first user disconnects from
the port, the second user gains control of it.
The Timeout function does not apply to users connected to
cascaded ports.
Note: This operation mode is assigned to all ports on cascaded
switches and cannot be changed.
Parameter Explanation
Clicking this button undoes all changes that have been made to the
Configuration and Administration pages (except for the Port Names
– see Port Names, page 33, and user profiles – see User
Management, page 43) and returns the parameters to the original
factory default settings (see Restoring Original Factory Default
Settings, page 78).
Clear Port Name This function clears the Port Name settings.
Use the Firmware Upgrade button when performing a firmware
upgrade to the KH2508 / KH2516, KVM adapter cables and
cascaded switches in a multilevel installation. For information on
performing a firmware upgrade, see The Firmware Upgrade Utility,
page 57.