Chapter 7. Windows Client Port Operation
The drop down list on the left offers four fixed choices as shown in the table,
The text input box on the right allows you to key in a search condition so that
only port names that match what you key in show up in the List. Wildcards (?
and *) are acceptable, so that more than one port can show up in the list. For
example, if you key in Rn*, both RnD 01 and RnD 02 show up in the list, as
shown in the screenshot, below:
After you key in your string, either click the binoculars to the right of the
box, or press [Enter].
To go back to the default view, erase the string and either click the
binoculars to the right of the box, or press [Enter].
To dismiss the List function, click the arrow or press [F3].
Choice Meaning
All Lists all of the ports on the installation.
Powered On Lists only the ports that have their attached devices
powered on.
Quick View Lists only the ports that have been selected as Quick
View ports
Quick View + Powered On Lists only the ports that have been selected as Quick
View Ports (see p. 93), and that have their attached
devices Powered On.
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