KH1508Ai / KH1516Ai User Manual
Panel Array Mode
Clicking the toolbar's Panel icon invokes Panel Array Mode. Under this mode,
the screen divides into a grid of panels:
Each panel represents one of the switch’s ports beginning with Port 1 at
the upper left, and going from left to right; top to bottom.
The number of panels in the array can be selected by clicking the Show
More Ports, and Show Fewer Ports symbols on the panel array toolbar
(see the following page for an explanation of the panel array toolbar).
Only ports that are accessible to the user are displayed. For ports that are
not accessible, the panel is blank.
If the server connected to a port is on line, its screen displays in its panel,
otherwise the panel is blank.
Mousing over a panel displays information about the port (port name,
online status, port access status, and resolution).
You can access a server connected to a port by moving the mouse pointer
over its panel and clicking. You switch to the server exactly as if you had
selected it from the Port Access page.