Going Directly to a Port
Hotkey Action
[Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock]
[n] [Enter]
Brings the KVM and the audio focus to
the computer attached to the port
corresponding to the specified Port ID.
Note that the KVM and audio focus both
go to this port even if they were on
different ports to begin with.
[Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock]
[n] [K] [Enter]
Brings only the KVM focus to the
computer attached to the specified port.
The audio focus remains where it was.
[Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock]
[n] [S] [Enter]
Brings only the audio focus to the
computer attached to the specified port.
The KVM focus remains where it was.
Note: The n stands for the computer’s Port ID number (1, 2, 3,
or 4). Replace the n with the appropriate Port ID when
entering hotkey combinations.
The K stands for the KVM switch focus
The S stands for audio focus
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