CN8000 User Manual
This section provides three submenus: User Preferences, Log, and Remote
Console, used to configure user, log, and console settings on the CN8000.
User Preferences
The User Preferences page allows users to set their own Default Settings, and
change their password. Only users with configure permissions will have the
Launch viewer after login option, and when its enabled by any user account,
the option is enabled for all users (not including the Administrator account).
The page settings are explained in the following table:
Setting Function
Viewer You can choose which viewer is used when accessing a server:
Auto Detect will select the appropriate viewer based on the web
browser used; WinClient for Windows Internet Explorer; Java Client for
other web browsers (Firefox, etc.).
Java will open the Java based viewer regardless of the web browser
being used.
Check Launch viewer after login to have the remote viewer
application automatically open every time you log in. When this option
is enabled by any user account, it enables the option for all user
accounts. You must uncheck the option in all user accounts before it will
be disabled.
After making your choice, click Apply.