gure 8A. If you are installing an eight-
inch spool, install the spindle adapter
and drive brake hardware as shown in
Figure 8B. The purpose of the drive
brake is to cause the spool of wire to
stop turning at nearly the same moment
that wire feeding stops.
6. Once the drive brake hardware is
installed, set the spool tension. With one
hand, turn the wire spool and continue
turning it while adjusting the tension on
the spool. With your free hand, tighten
(turn clockwise) the knob that holds the
spool in place. Stop tightening when drag
is felt on the wire spool that you are turn-
ing, then stop hand-turning the wire spool.
Note: If TOO MUCH tension is applied to the
wire spool, the wire will slip on the drive roller
or will not be able to feed at all. If TOO LITTLE
tension is applied, the spool of wire will want
to unspool itself. Readjust the drive brake ten-
sion as necessary to correct
for either problem.
7. After checking to make sure that your
welder is disconnected from the ac
power source, free the leading end of
the wire from the spool, but do not let go
of it until instructed to do so, or the wire
will unspool itself.
8. Use a wire cutter, cut the bent end o the
leading end of the wire so that only a
straight leading end remains.
9. Flip down the screw holding the drive
tension arm in place and lift the tension
arm up o the drive roller.
10.Insert the leading end of the wire into
the inlet guide tube. Then push it across
the drive roller and into the gun assem-
bly about six inches.
Make certain that the welding wire is actual-
ly going into the gun liner. Be very sure it
has not somehow been accidentally routed
alongside the liner or even in some other
direction. If this should happen, the wire
could feed inside the cable casing or take a
right angle and follow the wires and gas
hose inside the welder. It could also feed
back on itself jamming up the mechanism.
11. Line the wire up in the
inside groove of
the drive roller, then allow the drive ten-
sion arm to drop onto the drive roller.
12. Flip the quick release drive tensioner back
up into position on the drive tensioner arm.
13. Tighten (turn clockwise) the drive tension
adjusting screw until the tension roller is
applying enough forceon the wireto prevent
it from slipping out of the drive assembly.
14. Let go of the wire.
15. Connect the welder power cord to the ac
power source. Turn the welder ON by set-
ting the VOLTAGE switch to the voltage
(heat) setting recommended for the gauge
metal that is to be welded. Refer to the
label mounted on the cover, inside the
drive compartment, for recommended volt-
age (heat) settings for your welding job.
The VOLTAGE selector controls the weld
heat. There are six voltage heat selections
available on this welder. Placing the volt-
age switch in MIN position, and the voltage
dial in position 1 provides the lowest volt-
age (heat). Placing the voltage switch i
MAX position, and the voltage dial in posi-
tion 3 provides the highest voltage (heat).
Figure 7. Wire Installation
Figure 8A. Drive
Brake Hardware
Figure 8B. Spindle
Adapter and Drive
Brake Installation