is white or the parts are corroded
and rusted you have a moisture
problem in your air line that needs
to be corrected.
Try soaking the Air Motor Casing in
SAE 30 Motor Oil to free up the
moving parts. If this does not solve
the problem the pump needs to be
rebuilt preferably by an Authorized
ATD Service Center.
rocks, stones, dirt, sand, plastic or metal.
This could block the down tube plunger
11724 from being able to freely move up
and down. Follow instructions for Lower
Down tube Disassembly, Inspection and
Step 3: Did this solve the problem?
Yes: Please think of using a
Strainer (ATD5356) See Note on
the Strainer Below.
No: If this did not solve the problem with
the pump, then we have covered blockage
in the downtube, corroded or non-function
parts in the air motor, blockage in the hose
and control valve, and air motor air leaks..
This covers approximately 99% of the
problems. Continue to Step #4 if the pump
does not build or hold pressure or continue
onto step #6 for unusual problems.
Step 4: Pump not holding or
building Pressure:
Yes: The pump holds pressure fine.
Then you solved the problem?!?!
No: It operates but does not hold or build
pressure in the system or line.
Follow instruction for Lower Downtube
Disassembly, Inspection and Cleaning.
Chances are foreign material is lodged in
the lower downtube. In addition, it is
possible that the packing 35073 needs to be
replaced in the Lower Downtube section.
This is a wear part and not covered by
warranty. Consult your service manual for
the location of the 35073 and instructions for
replacement are in the Downtube
Disassembly instructions.
In some cases, we have seen paper and
bubble gum that get stuck up inside the
plunger bushing 90554ME between the two
check balls, check seats and ball stop. This
part is a precision lapped part and if that is
the case, it will need to be cleaned out. See
note below on types of foreign materials.
Step 5: Does it pump grease now
when inserted in the drum?
Yes: There is a blockage in the
Hose or the Control Valve.
Remove the Control Valve from the
hose and connect the hose to the
pump. Or Yes, but it does not
seem to hold or build pressure. See
note below on types of foreign
No: See Step # 1 followed by Step #2
Does the grease pump through the
Yes: Then the blockage is in the
Control Valve. Attach the control
valve to the hose. Remove the
coupler from the Control Valve.
Most likely the blockage is at the
control valve.
No: Then the blockage is in the hose.
Does the grease pump through the
Control Valve?
Yes: there was blockage in the
coupler of the control valve. Clean
the Coupler out with Mineral Spirits.
No: There is a blockage in the main body of
the Control Valve. Control Valve needs to
be disassembled and cleaned.
Is there Blockage in your Lubricant
Lines, Hoses, Pumps and Control
Valves Common?
Yes: we suggest the use of a foot
valve strainer: ATD5356