ASUS V9520 Home Theater User Guide12
4.1.4 Windows NT 4.0
Method 1: Display Property Page
1. Boot Windows NT system and log on as Administrator.
2. Switch display properties to VGA mode (16 colors, 640 x 480 pixels),
then restart your computer.
3. After startup, right-click the Windows NT desktop and click Properties.
4. Select the Settings tab.
5. Select Change Display Type.
6. Select Adapter Type and click Change.
7. Click Have Disk.
8. Insert the support CD.
9. Type D:\NT40 or click Browse to select the path of the display driver for
Windows NT then click OK.
10. Select your ASUS VGA Card model then click OK.
11. Windows NT will once again prompt for confirmation. Confirm installation
of display drivers to copy all appropriate files. When all files are copied,
click Close go back to the Display Properties box then click Apply.
12. The System Settings Change dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to reboot
13. Windows NT will restart with the default settings. The Display applet will
appear to allow for mode selection.
Before installing the display driver in Windows NT 4.0, make sure that
you have installed Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later to take
full advantage of the AGP features of your card.
The following steps assume your CD-ROM drive letter is D.